Monday, January 28, 2013

A Brief History of Playa del Carmen

Playa del Carmen is located in the Riviera Maya, which runs from south of CancĂșn to Tulum and the Sian Ka'an biosphere reserve. It was originally inhabited entirely by the Mayan culture. It later developed into a fishing area before becoming the Playa del Carmen vacation destination we know today.

During the height of the Mayan civilization, Cozumel, Cancun and Playa del Carmen were a major part of the area's trade industry. Playa del Carmen's location, lying between the two ports of Honduras and Veracruz, made it perfect for international trading.

In the early 1900's, Playa del Carmen became an official territory of Mexico and a part of the state of Quintana Roo. Mexicans from the mainland began inhabiting the area and finding their new home among the Mayan people.

The 1960's ushered in the growth of the surrounding areas of Cozumel and Cancun. Cozumel gained popularity because of an underwater documentary filming the Great Mayan Reef, the second largest reef system in the world. During this time, Playa del Carmen tourism also started to blossom due to its beautiful beaches, turquoise waters and exotic ruins.

In the 1970's, Playa del Carmen became more accessible to travelers, with the building of a boat dock enabling ferry service to Cozumel and the Cancun International Airport. More and more tourists started traveling to the area, leading to the eventual establishment of hotels, restaurants and all-inclusive Playa del Carmen resorts. The boat dock also opened the area to cruise lines, bringing in even more travelers.

In the 1990's, Playa del Carmen's population grew substantially and it started becoming more popular in the international community. Playa del Carmen’s 5th Avenue, its main avenue, became filled with more shops and restaurants that catered to international tourists in search of that perfect Playa del Carmen holiday.

Playa del Carmen tourism continues to thrive today, even though its reputation as a small fishing village remains intact. It’s this quality that makes it so charming to travelers worldwide.

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